Saturday, August 02, 2008

Observations of My Kiddos

We have a battle at our house between Addi and Levi when we get home from an outing: who gets to turn the lights on in the house? Evidently, this is a big deal for our children. So, we've alternated their turns. (Levi isn't too thrilled about this just yet). It's funny how little things are important to kids.

Another observation I've had with Addi and Levi is one of their games: "The Trouble Game." The pretend that one of them is in trouble and the other is a kid in trouble. One will say "Go to the corner" or vice versa. Forget Candyland, we have "The Trouble Game!"

1 comment:

  1. That is funny about them fighting to turn on the light. Macy and Charlie like to fight over who gets to put their hand in the water running out of the faucet when the bath is filling up. We now have set turns who gets to get do that to avoid a fight.
