Thursday, July 31, 2008

Kids Growing Up

I've been slacking lately, but I'm glad that the Blog-Kop is no longer around. Anyway, I haven't been inspired lately to blog (even thought I've had people say they miss my posts). Part of it is because I like using Facebook now and the other is I can't just think of what to write.

A big turning point is about to approach the Kelsey household: Addi is starting Kindergarten is less than two weeks. I'm very excited for her. Plus, I'm excited for me because I get to see her at school. Her class and my class have lunch close together. I'm sure she'll be waving at me.

Addi going in to Kindergarten reminds me that time is passing. It seems just like yesterday Addi was a baby. Now I have three kids! I think Grandma Kelsey gave me some great advice when Addi was born: don't be wishing for big events to happen because before you no it they'll be here and then be gone.

Levi is also starting Pre-School. We found a nice program here in Pleasant Grove and Kim enrolled him yesterday. I think he's going to do great. He loves doing things on his own, so this will definitely make him feel like a "big boy."

Lila is still her sweet self, but is a busy baby. She loves getting showered with attention and grabbing anything that looks interesting to her. Would you believe she took a step the other day?

That's all the blogging news for now!

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