Monday, August 04, 2008

Soccer Coach

Today I volunteered to coach Addi and Levi's soccer team. I'm excited about this and I think it will be fun, provided that no one pokes fun at me. Anyway, it looks like I'll be able to get one of our kids from church on our team too.

Here's a question for you, of faithful blog reader: What would a good team name be? I look forward to reading your suggestions.

I found this list on the internet. Some of the team names are just plain weird.


  1. Heeee Heeee- I can't wait to heckle the coach. No- I wouldn't do that, but I would set on the sideline with my camera, just waiting for facebook moments to happen. It will be fun.

  2. How about the "Meatheads" for a name? Sorry, I forgot we were naming the team.

  3. Hey David,

    I think I'm going to put your photo on some of the soccer balls for the kids to kick. What do you think?

  4. We used "storm" when I coached two years ago. We've also used Lightening, Thunder, and Strikers over the years. Good Luck coaching!
