Sunday, March 09, 2008

Bible Bowl Champs!

Today was our Bible Bowl competition. This time, adults competed. My team won! I even buzzed in on five questions! We are so proud of ourselves. Congratulations to Jared and Emily for their knowledge in 1st and 2nd Thes. I studied 1st and 2nd Timothy and some of Titus. Kim was on our team. Addi was sick, so she couldn't come. We missed her!

I was worried that I'd get up there and embarrass myself, but we all did good. We even scored a 98% on the written test. We would have had 100%, but second guessed ourselves on one question.

My favorite round was when we beat Marty Glenn, a former preacher. He and his wife answered a lot the previous round, but he just couldn't keep up with our Bible knowledge. Ha, just teasing.

I used my Bible on DVD to study and this link of powerpoint questions.

Look for a picture soon, or check out Emily's blog.


  1. Congratulations!!! I wish I could have been there!!!

  2. Congrats! You guys did a GREAT job. Although I think your egos could have won first place as well! JUST KIDDING! I am just a little bitter. :0)

  3. Team 4, We know more!!!
