Monday, March 10, 2008

Tribute to Cousin Alex

While Cousin Leslie overthrew Jasmine as the best cousin (just kidding, Jasmine), Alex is still #1 in Levi's book. Alex is so good with Levi. After church is over, Levi usually looks for Alex first. They are buddies and Levi looks up to him. We're so lucky to have a great family. Thanks Alex. War Eagle!


  1. Thanks Paul, and for everyone who wants to be the best, sorry. I will always be the Levi is the best. I will always be there for him, and all the kids. Levi is my Auburn fanatic in training. Love You Guys.

  2. Poor kid; he doesn't even know what he's gotten himself into.

  3. Good post, too bad you ruined it with the war eagle obscenity.

  4. that is so sweet. it's so nice to find a post like this. keep it up!

    God bless you!
