Saturday, May 12, 2007

Mother's Day Memories

I originally wrote this Thursday and as I was pushing "publish," my bootleg laptop shutoff.

Tomorrow is Mother's Day. I can't but help think of three different mothers.

My mom - She is very hard working for our family. I remember when I delivered papers in Germany and she had a very organized system of doing it. She got up with me every morning to help. I also remember Mom's (and Dad's) generousity. When I met Kim for the first time, not only did my parents pay for the flight, but I also got some spending money too. (We met on the internet). Finally, Mom's cooking is great. I love her beef stroganoff, chicken enchilladas, and lasagna.

Mom has always been active in church. I can remember teaching Bible class or being involved with youth activities. In fact, I remember her teaching my class when I was young.

My mother in law - I feel like part of the family because of her. She truly adopts her in law children as her own. Just take a look at her blog! Susan is very generous too. She always has a bag full of stuff for me full of things I can use for school or new clothes. She is also a great cook. I love taco salad night. Whenever we are invited over or just pop in, I feel right at home.

Susan is very active in church too. She works with our youth especially in Lads to Leaders. She also takes Levi to the cry room for us sometimes. It's very rare if Susan is not at church.

My wife - Kim is an outstanding mother to our children. Who needs preschool? My kids already count and say they're ABC's. They sing all kinds of songs. They love books. They also know a lot about the Bible. Kim sees that our children get what they need. She is active in ball with Addi's league and works with our youth at church too. She assists me in leading our Lads to Leaders program. (Actually, she does most of the work). She is also a great cook. I love her chicken casserole, cabbage wedges, and butternut cake.

Happy Mother's Day everyone.

Exodus 20:12 "Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the LORD your God is giving you."

1 comment:

  1. This was a wonderful post to read on Monday morning. I appreciate the kind words. It is not hard to be good to good people.
