Tuesday, May 08, 2007

The Benefits of Teaching

This week is Teacher Appreciation Week. As usual, my school's PTA spoiled us rotten by giving us a limo ride off the school's grounds and took us to a steak dinner. Wow. It was great.

Have you thought about your Bible class teachers? We should be thankful for them all the time. I can't remember them all, but I know I've learned much from mt former Bible class teachers.

I've had the privildge of teaching the young adult class at church. We have such a good group that I don't have to spend too much time preparing because they keep the discussion and study going. We've had some great studies: Exodus, John, James, Phillipians, 1st Peter, parenting, personal evangelism, apologetics, the church, Old Testament heroes, and even a study of who God is.

Have you ever taught a class? During the past 6 years, I've learned the benefits of teaching. First, it's helped me gain knowledge. You want to learn something? Teach it! Secondly, it's a great way to grow closer with brothers and sisters in Christ. Our group is a tight bunch and we do things together. Finally, teaching has made me more confident. While I still don't know everything and never will, I feel like I can share more. It's even helped me preach now and then.

I hope you'll consider teaching a Bible class one day if you haven't. And if you don't go to Bible class at your church, you are missing out!

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