Monday, May 07, 2007

It's a.......

Edit 5/8/07 - The quesion mark remains! Oh well, at least the baby is healthy. We'll have to wait until next time.

P.S. The nurse did say she felt like the baby was a girl. We'll just have to wait to make it more official.

Tune in around noon tomorrow to find the official results of what the third Kelsey child will be. My feeling is still saying "boy." However, my internet poll is saying "girl." That must be reliable, right? :-) Also, I checked that Chinese calendar thing and it says "girl." It was right with Addi and Levi. We'll just have to wait for 11 1/2 hours to see.


  1. AnonymousMay 07, 2007

    Can't wait to hear!!!!

  2. Well, even though the results were inconclusive- that technician knew what she was doing, and she was afraid to say 100% without getting a perfect shot- but I think she was pretty convinced that the baby was a girl. I am going with pink based on her assessment!

  3. AnonymousMay 08, 2007

    Hopefully the baby will cooperate in a couple weeks. I am leaning towards girl too.

  4. AnonymousMay 08, 2007

    Thanks for your visit at my site. I hope your wife's pregnancy is going well. I had a friend recently who was told she was having a boy -- about 85% sure, they said. I asked her questions about her pregnancy, compared with her first, which was a girl, and I predicted it would be a girl. I was right!! :)

    Re: your question on my last post, our teachers are using various sources for the class, and they plan to compile the list and give us a copy at the end of the class (in June). If I don't remember to post that on my site, feel free to remind me. (o;


  5. The suspense is killing me!

  6. AnonymousMay 08, 2007

    I think it will be a girl too!
