Sunday, March 18, 2007

No Complaining

Today in my young adult Bible class, we studied from Phillipians chapter 2. One verse that made me feel guilty was verse 14. It says:

"Do all things without grumbling or questioning,"

It's so easy to complain, isn't it? Why is that? For one thing, it's an easy way out. It doesn't take much effort. You don't have to fix anything, but it makes you feel good to gripe. Secondly, complaining gives release for frustration and anger. We should find a better way to do that. Why not do something productive and try to fix the problem.

What's the opposite of complaining? Rejoicing. We have much to rejoice over.

I have:

1) A roof over my head.
2) A well paying job (with the possibility of another raise next year! Way to go, Alabama.)
3) A loving and devoted wife.
4) Beautiful children and a new one on the way.
5) Generous parents and in laws.
6) Most importantly, a God that I get to call "Father." (1 John 3:1)

I can't but help think of my PaPa Kelsey. I don't think I've ever heard him complain. He just laughs things off. In fact, one thing I've heard him say was "In a hundred years or so it won't matter anyway."

Are you guilty of being a complainer?


  1. Yes, sometimes I'm a complainer especially when I'm talking about Wordpress or the New Blooper, both of which I can't stand, by the way, oops, did it again :)

    Thanks for the reminder.

  2. I meant Blogger but the Freudiun slip fits. LOL
