Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Crunch Time

March 31st is approaching and I'm nearly done with my educational portfolio to gain my NBCT status. I have several small things to do, but the bulk of it is done. I had three different people proofread for me (Kim, Rachel, and my mentor person). Hopefully, Thursday night I can begin packing this thing up and ship it to San Antonio to the main office.

What have I had to do? I've written around 40 pages of detailed and intense analysis of my teaching, gathered proof and documentation, and video taped nearly 8 hours of me working with my students. (Thanks again, Kim). I then had to select two 15 minute segments of my best teaching from that.

This process has been hard, but worth it. If (no wait, when) I pass, I'll get a $5000 per year raise for 10 years. I then can renew. I'll also get a one time payment of $5000 to be used in my classroom.

Keep me in your prayers as I wrap this up!


  1. Do you want us to lay hands on the package and pray for it? I have heard of people bringing their portfolio to church and having it prayed for! Just put plenty of tracking on the package- and delivery confirmation. I know you are going to do great- I have confidence in you!

  2. Based on what I read, I think you are going to do great! I was really impressed. Keep us informed but I am sure you will pass on the first try. (what a nerd!)

  3. Wow, Paul that would be awesome! And more money is always nice. I'm sure you'll do great! Good job for all the hard work. Maybe you should blog about how you would spend $5000 for your classroom.

  4. I know you're going to do great! Even if you don't pass, you deserve to! I'm proud of you for all the hard work you've put into this! And I'm REALLY glad it's almost over!!!!

  5. I know you'll do great! Good luck! You deserve the raise! In response to Granna's laying of hands...Yesterday I had a bad headache and one of my students asked if she could lay her hands on me to make it go away!

  6. We know it's been alot of hard work and we have great confidence you'll be successful! We're proud of you!
