Saturday, March 17, 2007

Shame on "The Three Little Pigs!"

I laugh at the politically correct world out there. Check out this story about how the classic tale of "The Three Little Pigs" is now considered offensive. Funny things is, the muslims thought the change to be bizarre.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it crazy how "politically correct" everyone wants to be. In the end we will be trying so hard to not upset anyone, that we will end up upsetting everyone!

    The fifth graders at our school are going to have a graduation party. The parents/teachers wanted to do a Mardi Gras type theme for the decorations. Instead they have to have a "masquerade" theme. They will use all the same colors & beads, but not purple because it has to do too much with the Catholic faith & might offend someone. Sometimes I just wish we could do everything "politically INcorrect"!
