Saturday, March 25, 2006

Who is the Church of Christ?

With the murder of Matthew Winkler (scroll down for a pervious post) recently, there has been a lot of sterotyping and misconceptions of the Church of Christ lately. I found an outstanding article written by Dave Miller of Apologetics Press. He held a seminar at our church last year on government and Christianity and it was outstanding. We also studied his DVD series on Islam in our Wednesday night young adult class which was extremely informative.

Anyway, here is the article. A good book to study is Eddie Cloer's What is the Church? as well.

It's disappointing that people often judge the Church of Christ based on what others have said or one bad experience at one church. I've visited many churches in my lifetime and I know there are differences. There are very conservative churches and very liberal ones. But I do know that most have something in common: love. Love for Christ, love for God's authority, and love and concern for lost souls.

If you aren't sure what the Church of Christ is like, then visit one! Want to know more about obeying the gospel?

"...the Churches of Christ salute you...." Romans 16:16


  1. Thank you so much for this post. I am a member of the church as well, and have been concerned about all of the negative postings about the church since the Winkler crime.

  2. Paul -
    Saw your post on my LJ. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I, too, ended up with a whole lot of posts I never expected. I ended up deleting a bunch of them. Appreciate your blog. There is so much misconception about the church of Christ.

  3. Paul,
    Thanks for your fine comments. I really appreciate the way you have included the links to good articles on your site. Much good can come from adversities like this in spite of the obvious negatives. David
