Thursday, March 23, 2006

Great Visit in Oklahoma

We've had a great trip in Oklahoma. Earlier this week, we visited the Witchita Mountains and even went up Mt. Scott. On our trip, we saw some longhorns, buffalo (see photo below), and even some wild turkies. Yesterday, we briefly fed the ducks and praire dogs at the park here in Lawton. It's cold!

Today, Addi woke up to a light dusting of snow outside and enjoyed playing with it off of PaPa's truck. Then, Addi and I enjoyed a trip to Great-PaPa's farm to feed the cows. Later, the whole Kelsey clan was here for supper. We were able to get a few snapshots. Andrew gets the award for being the most still grandchild during the photo session.

We thought about going out to do something and leave the kids with Grammy and PaPa, but weren't sure if they could handle two kids each!

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