Monday, March 27, 2006

Top Ten List

It's time for something different.....

The Top Ten Things You Won't/Shouldn't Hear a Father Say

10. "Can you turn up that music? It really calms my nerves."
9. "You can't finish your peas? Go ahead and throw 'em away."
8. "Here, you take the remote."
7. "Text message all you want."
6. "No, honey, sit this one out. I really can't wait to change that diaper."
5. "Go outside? Why don't you just play inside today while I work on the bills."
4. "Well, at least you only had four D's on your report card."
3. "Go ahead, take my car-and here's fifty bucks for gas."
2. "Make sure you have your daily intake of sugar and caffeine today."

1. "As a matter of fact, let's both go get nose rings!"


  1. "Note to the media: Church of Christ preachers are called preachers, ministers, or evangelists. Not pastors or reverends. Read the Bible for more details."

    Which verses? I'm a member of the Church of Christ too.

  2. Romans 15:16, Romans 10:14, 2 Timothy 4:5 are some good places to begin.

  3. Thanks, Roger. You beat me to a response.

    Check out this oustanding sermon outline called "Are you the Pastor?"

    I can't find the word reverend anywhere in the NT. I think it's in the old testament describing God.
