Thursday, March 23, 2006

Hard to Believe - Matthew Winkler Family

Perhaps you've heard about this on the news. We didn't live too far from where this happened. He was a graduate of Freed Hardeman University. Matthew Winkler is the son of Dan Winkler and grandson of Wendell Winkler who are/were gospel preachers too. Wendell Winker and his sons have written some outstanding books. We've used a couple in my Sunday morning young adult class. I think a new one came out last year on parenting. I haven't read it, but I'm sure its just as good.

Update 3/26 - Wow, a lot has happened the past few days. My hit count has tripled since I made a post about this tradegy. (George in Auburn, I only say this to illustrate that this story has caught the nation's attention). There is a lot of interest in this terrible event.

It's so hard to understand why this would happen to what seems to be a fine family. I hope you have praying for Mary, the daughters, and the congregation they were a part of.

The latest news I know of comes from my wife. She says that the NBC show Dateline did a short story on the murder and questioned her lawyer. Evidently, their defense is that this was all an accident. Questions come to mind. Why did Mrs. Winkler flee and rent a condo? Why did she shoot him in the back? Why didn't she just go to members of her church for support?

A fund has been established for the children. Here is the mailing address:

Winkler Family Fund
229 Ward Circle Suite A-23
Brentwood, TN 37027

3/27 - Mary Winkler has apologized for her actions. Also, according to a fellow blogger, the Winkler family has forgiven her. (For those visitors who have a negative view towards the Church of Christ, does this sound like oppression or hypocrisy?)

3/28 - Here is an article giving more insight on the Winkler family. I appreciate the comments Billy Smith made. He is an outstanding and sincere preacher. He preached at Estes Church of Christ when Kim and I were members there.

Note to the media: Church of Christ preachers are called preachers, ministers, or evangelists. Not pastors or reverends. Read the Bible for more details.

Another note to the media: The Church of Christ is not related to the International Church of Christ or United Church of Christ. For more information on the Church of Christ, please visit the New Testament, especially the book of Acts.


  1. The father of Matthew Winkler is my bible teacher at Freed. He is a very sweet man. Please keep this family in your prayers.

  2. even quoted the elder at the church calling him "a pastor," but today they have changed it to minister.

    This is so sad! We really need to pray for those three little girls, because if what the police thinks is true - they are not going to have a Dad or a mom!

  3. I just don't understand how things like this happen. It is such an awful situation. Those poor girls...and there has to be something wrong with the mother for this to have happened. They are going to need everyone's prayers.

  4. What a tragedy. We have played over every scenario possible from postpartum depression, unfaithfulness, financial distress, abuse, etc.- none of which gives cause for murder. The Winklers are such a close family and have meant so much to the church. They do need our prayers.

  5. An oppressive religion such as COC can cause so much stress that a woman could snap. It will be interesting as more information comes to light to find out what led Mary Winkler to do such a horrible thing. My prayers and heartfelt concern go out to the three daughters, and both families.

  6. Check out what they're saying / making up on Yahoo boards - - You should post there.... very, very tragic situation...

  7. Carol - oppressive religion? Being a Christian has never given anyone but freedom. Perhaps you're thinking of the Muslim religion.

  8. One other thing Carol - Mary Winkler was not the victim here. The person who was killed is the victim.

  9. Hello Paul - I was writing from my experience with the COC and what I've read on COC websites and in COC literature about their beliefs. I truly believe what I wrote because I was a part of the COC for a year, saw it in practice, and then researched it to find out why they believe what they believe.

    Of course the victim was Matthew Winkler. Unless her life was being immediately threatened, there is no excuse for what Mary Winkler did. I was merely speculating about what might have caused her to do such a horrible and out-of-character thing. Obviously it must be something extreme because the action was so extreme.

    I agree that true Christianity frees a person. I am a Christian, I was raised in the church and attend church each week. I even teach an adult Sunday School class occasionally - a class with both men and women. My mother (83-years old) is a retired minister who is often invited to preach at local churches. There is not a more devout, humble and Biblically centered person in the world than my mother. She is not a womens libber either. Far from it. She is simply following God's call on her life, and she lives the Bible in every part of her life. As a matter of fact, we've had many discussions about the COC as a result of my experience there, and she tells me that I shouldn't feel negatively toward the COC and that all Christians should stick together. And that's good advice. As she says, there are enough attacks on Christianity from non-Christians. As believers, we need to support each other and not dwell on our differences.

    My remarks were not against Christianity but rather observations about what I see as misinterpretations of the Bible that can have adverse repercussions.

    And I didn't and would never compare the COC with the Muslim religion.

    From reading your blog, it is obvious that you are a sincere Christian. We have differences of beliefs in some areas, but I think we both are devout Christians doing the best we can.

    The Winkler case is a tragedy for all concerned.

  10. What a horrible thing to happen! My thoughts go out to the family, especially the kids, lost their father and their mother is going to prison...way to mess your kids up lady :(

    Carol, you must have gone to a bad COC. I am a member of the South Auckland COC, New Zealand. It is a great place full of true christians, they are hsaring, loving and kind. The only time they are firm is when it comes to following the teachings of Christ the way Christ (and the apostles) taught it.

    What was oppressive about the COC you went to? I cant think of a more supportive group of people the true christians.

  11. Thanks for your comments, Wade. Greetings to the Christians in New Zealand!
