Sunday, March 12, 2006

Church Potty Break

Addi has been potty trained. However, Kim had a wet weekend. It began at the Lads to Leaders scrapbook work-day over at Josh and Katie's house. All of sudden, Kim hears "No Addi!" people scrambling, and water pouring. Addi relieved herself right then and there. Usually she decrees "I have to go tee-tee (or poo poo)" when she is ready. Not this time.
Tonight at church, I was in our training/nursery room with Levi. Kim and Addi stayed in the auditorium (Kim had already spent the morning services back there). About halfway through David's sermon, Kim comes back with Addi and describes the wetting of the floor and her. So, we weren't sure what to do. Do we all go home since Kim needs to change? Kim wouldn't make it back until after services. We finally decided that I'd stay there with the kids and change Addi while Kim zipped back to the house.

But wait, the story is not over. As Kim left, Addi radomonly announces "Go get me a biscuit from Jack's."

It's really hard not to laugh.


  1. Give the poor girl a break- you forgot to mention that she was asleep during the second "outpouring".

  2. She may have been asleep but you should have seen the stunned look on Kim's face as Addie just "let go."

  3. Hey Raychel,


    Hey Susan,

    You're right. And it could have been worse. In fact, I remember Addi's first trip to Lads to Leaders and a ruined shirt of mine that was not wet but had something else on it.

  4. I know, I know, I was in a hurry. Excuse me. Like you have never mispelled anything.
