Monday, March 13, 2006

Trying a Video

Here is a video of Addi and Levi in our playpen. It would have more length, but right after this we had tornado sirens go off. Luckily, nothing big happened in our area.

I hope this works.

UPDATE 3/14: It did work. The strange thing is that when I tried to publish this message, I had an error pop up that said something was wrong with the html script. So I gave up. In the morning at school, I noticed it was there! Weird.

I wish I could say I'll be putting more videos on the blog. Something happened to our camera when I was turning it off last night after I uploaded the video below. It reminded me of a lightbulb going out. I hope we can get it fixed.

In random news, we found our TV remote which had been missing for a few months. Woo hoo! It somehow got wedged under the couch. How it got there, we'll never know.

Oh, I've noticed at work that IE does not load my blog very well now that I put in the live mapstats on the right. Use Firefox instead.


  1. Looks like I will have to try the YouTube. I like the fact that it plays directly from the blog page rather than having to load another page. Cute kids!

  2. I got the video to work! You need to post more videos!
