Monday, July 14, 2008

ABC's of Me

A. Attached or Single- Attached to my beautiful wife of 10 years - Kim.

B. Best Friend- Kim

C. Cake or Pie- Peanut Butter Pie

D. Day of Choice- Sunday

E. Essential Item- Keys

F. Flavor of Ice Cream- Mayfield's Birthday Cake. You've got to try it.

G. Gummy Bears or Worms- Neither

H. Hometown- Military Brat

I. Indulgences- A lot of stuff

J. January or July- January - my birthday

K. Kids- Three - the best in the world. Addison, Levi, and Lila

L. Last movie I saw in a theater- Horton Hears a Who (Dollar Theater!)

M. Middle Name- David - after my grandfather.

N. Number of siblings- 2 sisters

O. Orange or Apples- Apples - yellow

P. Phobias or Fears- None, I think.

Q. Quote- 1st John 3:1

R. Reasons to smile- My family.

S. Season- Summer

T. Tagged- Anyone who reads this.

U. Unknown fact about me- I don't have any cavities. I'm a pretty boring guy, I guess.

V. Vegetarian or Meat- I am a member of PETA. (People Eating Tasty Animals)

W. Worst Habit- Procrastinating

X. X-rays or Ultrasounds- Ultrasounds are fun when learning about the gender of your future kid.

Y. Your favorite Food- Lots (Lasagna, Taco Salad, Boiled Crab, Chicken Spaghetti)

Z. ZOO Animal - Lions

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