Monday, June 30, 2008

Pictures, Finally

Here are some photos of our trip last week to Branson, MO. Somehow, we didn't take any pictures of nephew Andrew, Katie and Seth, or Luke and Lori. Check out Katie's blog for more pics.


  1. AnonymousJuly 02, 2008

    Wow! It looks like you guys had a fabulous trip. I was just stopping by to say hello and wish you all a pleasant summer. Hope all is well in your part of Alabama.

  2. Looks like you cramed a lot of fun into your week!

  3. We love Branson! We enjoyed the shows and would love to someday make the trip back. It was the first time we had ever heard katydids sing. Do you call it singing? We didn’t know what all the noise was. At a night western show we saw fire flies for the first time, as you can tell we are from the western part of the U.S. and all this was so exciting for us.
    I hope you had as much fun with your family as we did with ours. We went to as many of the shows as we could get into the 4 days we were able to stay there. We also enjoyed our time in Silver Dollar Land and rode the land and water boat blowing our ducky horns. I have smile on my face as I feel the memories come rushing back, we felt like children again. They are great memories. I need to journal about that trip. Thanks for sharing and jogging my memory of a wonderful trip ofTwo picture frames hanging in our home has your blog title it and another, says, “I have no Greater Joy than to know my children walk in Truth.” the way, my name is Beth.
