Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Today Lila is 33% of a year old (4 months for the math challenged readers). We are so proud of Lila. She is such a happy and sweet little girl. Enjoy the picture below. I like how she points to the "K" on her pacifier clip to remind everyone that she is a Kelsey.

Edit - I added a baby picture of baby Addi. Notice any resemblance? Levi is standing next to me and is insisting that this is Lila.


  1. She looks like Baby Addi in that picture!

  2. She is so sweet - I think she gets it from me! ;) Emily is right she looks a lot like Addi in this picture.

  3. Can't believe she's already 4 months! She's a cutie!

  4. Those two are going to be quite the handful. I would say poor Levi but something tells me he can hold his own! Happy four month birthday, Lila!

  5. Clones...perhaps? No, Lila had more hair.

  6. Wow...I didn't even realize how much they looked alike!!

  7. As you know, I seldom think that anyone looks like anyone else. But I have said all along that Lila is an Addi clone. She is a doll, as are Levi and Hannah. I just hope that all of them keep their good looks when they grow older like their Gramps. Happy Valentines Day!

  8. Hi, Paul! This is Erin E. You have two beautiful girls! I think that Lila looks like her Granna. When I saw the picture, my first thought was of Susan. :)

    Take Care,

  9. I think Erin is totally correct...especially because everyone tells her how pretty she is! Of course you know I am kidding, but I appreciate the compliment!!!!!!!

  10. I can tell how much they look alike. I notice that the last time I seen her at church.
