Saturday, January 26, 2008

Survivor Church Retreat

We got back from our 3rd annual Survivor Weekend at Indian Creek Youth Camp. "Retreat" is not really the best word to describe it. It's more of team oriented weekend of various Bible competitions. Bottom line - it's a lot of fun!

Here are the things that we did

1) Egg drop. A running theme we have each year deals with chickens. The first one we had two years ago had an event that involved chasing a chicken. This year, each team has various items to build something to protect an egg. It would be dropped from various heights. If your egg didn't break, your team got points. We were bold and dropped ours from the highest point: I think 28 feet. It didn't break!

2) Biblical Scavenger Hunt. I helped organize this event. Our study for the weekend came from the Lads to Leaders Bible Bowl study of 1 + 2 Thes., 1 + 2 Timothy, and Titus. About 30 items were hidden around camp. Each team had to find as many as they could. Then, they received a sheet that listed various verses. After reviewing each one, you had to pair up the correct items to the right verse. For example: we all know the verse that says "The love of money is the root of all evil." The item for that verse was a carrot because it was a root. Yeah, I know you could have done money too, but that would've been too obvious. You can see more details about the scavenger hunt here.

3) Relay Race - There were about 6 different stations that each team raced through that had some Biblical significance. Our team struggled in the "Finding Demas" event where you had to find army men in the volleyball court sand. However, we successfully came back from way behind and placed 3rd! The last part of this was cool - there was a puzzle to put together. We were good at that.

4) Match - This was like a memory game with phrases from the books of the Bible we were studying. Not only did you have to know which words paired together, but where their position were. I did good - I matched two out of my three turns for our team. We won this event!

5) Bible Bowl - We had a flip card version of the Bible Bowl and our team won! Kim did well for our team. Here is the test.

6) Second Verse - Similar to the T.V. show "The Singing Bee." Your team had to name missing words to various Church songs we sing. Not as easy as it sounds! I think our team came in 3rd for this event. Emily and Jared were in charge of this competition.

Overall, we came in 2nd. Of course, the true purpose of the weekend was to learn more about God's word. It sure was a fun way!

We had devotionals and a Bible class too. I taught the men's class, Kim taught the ladies. I'll share my notes in a future post. Sometime later, I'll add pictures.

Oh, the kids enjoyed themselves too. Lila was perfect. Addi had a blast. Levi enjoyed himself, but missed his bed last night.


  1. Great run-down of the Retreat! You did a wonderful job with the scavenger hunt and Bible Bowl questions! Can't wait for next year!

  2. The retreat sounds amazing. There is nothing better than a weekend of informal Christian fellowship. Our retreat is in late March. If you don't mind I would love to share your ideas with the person in charge of planning! Have a fabulous week!

  3. See...I don't have to blog, because people like you and Emily say everything I would say. From now on, I'll just post..."Go see Paul or Emily's blog." :) Thanks for making things easy on me!!
    The weekend was fun! Thanks for everything you and Kim did! :D
