Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Addi's Latest

I'm stealing this from Kim. I was at work when this story happened.

Addi was asking some questions about the baby and how she got inside Kim. She said that God put her there because he can do what he wants. Addi (being the clever girl she is) asked "Did just God say 'BEHOLD, GIVE THIS BABY TO KIM KELSEY?'" How funny!

It's not much longer until Friday when Lila comes. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

Post your predictions:

1) Who will Lila look like?
2) Will she have hair?
3) Weight?


  1. We are excited for Friday! What time is the c-section? And be sure to call me when you can after she comes.

    My predictions: she will look more like a Kelsey, have dark hair and weigh 7 lbs 5 oz.

  2. Be sure to call me too! I think she will look alot like Levi and have blond hair. I estimate weight as 7 lbs 12 oz.

  3. As of right now, I'm saying blonde hair too. Bald more like it. My weight prediction is 8 lbs. 1 oz. That's probably just wishful thinking (you know, less weight for me to lose afterwards!). It won't be long before we'll know for sure!!!

  4. she will look human- 2 eyes- 2 ears- one nose- etc., etc.
    she will have hair (even if you can't see it)
    she will weigh more than a dvd and less than a 42" TV

    Unlike many others-- I can guarantee my predictions

  5. A new Kelsey!!! I can't wait! I'm going to predict that Lila will favor Paul, have strawberry blonde hair (although very little of it when born and very light at first), and weigh 8 lbs 8 oz. I think that's what I weighed so that's why I predicted it! Do I win something if I have the most accurate prediction??? :P

  6. Lila is such a beautiful name!

  7. Yes Pam, you win an opportunity to change a poopie diaper!

  8. McCarty's Predictions....
    (Ashley....Dark hair, 7lbs 8oz, LookLike Kim)

    (Thomas....Dark Hair, 8lbs 6oz, Looklike Kim)

    (Lynn....SimiBrown/Red Hair, 9lbs 4oz, Looklike Paul)

  9. I'll go out on a limb and say she'll have a head full of darkish hair, and look like neither Paul or Kim. I'm basing this on how my 3rd baby, Katie, looked when she was born. It was like "where did she come from?" Weight somewhere between what Addi and Levi weighed.

    We're looking forward to meeting her!!

  10. Okay- I am going to say 8 lbs, 3 ozs- Lots of dark hair/looks like Addi!
    The hair thing will be a hoot if it happens! Courington babies were all pretty much bald- save for Daniel, who had some, but not much as compared to what he ended up with!

  11. I think she will look like both of you and well the hair I am not sure. I think her weight will be 7lbs. 8oz. How ever she will be a very pretty little girl. Good luck to you all and May God Bless I will be thinking about Kim. I can not wait to see little Lila.
