Saturday, October 06, 2007

Living on the Plus Side pt. 1

My Sunday morning young adult class recently finished up a study using Leroy Brownlow's book "Living on the Plus Side." While Dave Ramsey's books are practical, I found it to be an in depth Biblical approach to studying finances. I recommend that you read it, even if it is hard to find.

This is the first of a three part review of the book. Brother Brownlow gives eight general points on how to become financially successful. In this post, I'll talk about three of them.

Step #1 - Believe you can succeed. I think we live in a society that says "No, you can't succeed." Some say that there are just too many hardships and that America is no longer the land of opportunity. I don't think that's true. We don't need the government to help us with welfare, social security, national health care. I think our own faith and drive will help us grow financially.

Proverbs 23:7 says "For as he thinks within himself, so he is." (NASB). In order to do it, we have to see it. Also, it should be very motivating that God wants us to prosper! Just take a look at 3rd John 2.

Step #2 - Aim to get. Do you set financial goals? Are they big or small? I think it's important that if we believe, we should aim big. Otherwise, it's so easy to get in the monthly rut of paying the bills and finding out that there is too much month at the end of the money.

Isaiah 46:11 says "I have purposed and I will do it." (ESV) It's important to come up with some type of plan and then go for it!

One of the biggest aims I think Christians should have is to give more. It's so easy to think that our giving is not the top priority of the budget. However, it should be. Each year, I want to challenge you to increase your giving. Don't settle for the bare minimum. Aim to be a big giver.

Step #3 - Work. Financial success isn't free. You've got to do something. There are plenty of opportunities for us to work no matter who you are. Be looking for ways to have a strong steady income. Also, realize that everyone starts at the bottom and makes it to the top with years of hard work and sweat.

Some people think that the only way to financial success is by the lottery or help from the government. I say no. I say that if you work hard, save, and give, you will prosper beyond your imagination.

Proverbs 19:15 says "Slothfulness casts into a deep sleep, and an idle person will suffer hunger." We shouldn't expect to prosper if we aren't working and working hard.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that Leroy Brownlow's book is spot-on. A very timely read in today's society. I also enjoyed Jim Palmer's new book called Faith and Finance published by Focus Press. It digs into the Prosperity Gospel, the Poverty Gospel, and Stewardship Theology.
