Sunday, August 19, 2007


After posting my nicknames for my children, I've had a lot of searches on the topic (even someone from Iran). I'm sure many people have been let down. So, I did some extensive web research (5 minutes) and found this humorous article.

What was your childhood nickname? What do you nickname your children?

Proverbs 22:1 -
"A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, and favor is better than silver or gold."


  1. My childhood nickname was "Biz" which is why my site is "Bizzy" House with Peaceful Hearts. My dad still calls me Biz. I like my kids names but find myself shortening them...why?...don't know really. Is it because it is easier to say "D" instead of Dallas? Hmmm. We do find ourselves calling the boys "Bud" a lot...(the youngest is "Little Dude").

    It is funny your daughter could remember which shirt she wore a YEAR ago! My boys don't remember what they wore yesterday...therefore they wear it again and again until I remind them that they already wore that!

  2. When I was little, and still, my parents called me Lucy or my dad called me Emmalucibelle, which is my whole named rolled into one!

  3. Kimbo (Courtesy of Teamus Garrison)
    Joshie, Big Hands
    Daniel, Daniel, Cocker Spaniel
