Friday, July 20, 2007

Feels Like Christmas

In less that two hours, I get to go see my new official class roll for the 2007-2008 school year. School starts in less than 3 weeks believe it or not!

It's always exciting thinking about my new class for the year. It's also a fresh start which is probably the best thing about being a teacher. I can reflect upon my accomplishments and mistakes and do better each year!

This will be by 10th group of students. I often wonder about my first class back in Oakland, TN. They'll be seniors in high school this year which seems really weird.

You know what I remember most about my first day of school? As the students entered, I instructed them to organize their supplies then read silently until we started the day. After a minute or too, I noticed one student "reading" and looked as proud as he could be.

The book was upside down.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad someone's excited about the start of school because I'm sure not! Summer is not long enough!
