Wednesday, July 11, 2007

100 Things About My Life

After my wife did her list, I was inspired to write one too. Here goes:

1) I love being a Christian and a member at Sylvan Springs Church of Christ.
2) I love Kim very much. She is my soul mate and she amazes me.
3) Kim deserves the best and I know I don't always give it to her.
4) My wife is an outstanding mother.
5) I love my children more than words can tell.
6) Addi has my sense of humor which I think I inherited from Grandpa Blewett.
7) I love how playful Levi is.
8) I am excited about Lila coming in October.
9) I hope Lila looks likes me. None of the Kelsey offspring resemble Kelseys.
10) Do Kelseys have recessive genes?
11) My parents are the most generous people I know. When I grew up, I thought they were stingy. They were, but now I know why.
12) One of my favorite memories growing up is delivering Stars and Stripes with my mother 5 a.m. in the morning.
13) When I was kid, I remember my Dad patting me on the leg and telling me that I was "a good ol' boy." I do that with my kids now.
14) Whenever I was mad at my Dad, he would sing the "Give me a little smile..." song. It drove me crazy.
15) Now I sing it to my kids.
16) I wish I listened to my parents more growing up.
17) I have top notch in-laws. They are the icing on the cake.
18) My mother in law is one of the kindest people I know.
19) My father in law is one of the most knowledgeable people I know.
20) My father in law calls me "Meathead."
21) I love teaching the young adult adult class Sunday morning at church.
22) I don't read my Bible like I should.
23) I love leading singing at church.
24) I enjoy leading our Lads to Leaders program at church.
25) I enjoy being a teacher, but have to learn from my mistakes each year.
26) I need to be better with discipline with my students.
27) I hope I pass my National Boards the first time!
29) I like living in Alabama despite the wrong perceptions people have of the South.
30) I am an adopted Auburn football fan.
31) Addi has been converted to an Alabama fan by some of the kids at church.
32) I wish I new how to fix things. I am not handy
33) I waste time on the computer too much.
34) I was inspired to blog by my Oklahoma friends (Tim and Leann, Karen, and Kim W.)
35) I am the first blogger in the realm of my family and friends in Alabama.
36) I can diet well when I try.
37) It's weird to think that I am 32 years old.
38) I miss my Grandma and Grandpa Blewett. They would have loved their great-grandkids.
39) I miss seeing my sisters and their families.
40) I have beautiful nieces and nephews.
41) I'm glad that at least one niece lives nearby. Hannah is fun to play with.
42) I wish I could play with Macy, Charlie, and Andrew more.
43) I got addicted to Lost at Thanksgiving.
44) I enjoy watching reality TV, but I think it's getting old now.
45) I skipped #28 for the fun of it.
46) My love for pets went downhill when we had children.
47) Shadow was a good dog.
48) Molly is a good dog. She reminds me of Shadow.
49) Abby is too yappy and won't stay in the fenced-in back yard.
50) Since the Rick and Bubba show moved to 104.7, I've learned to like country music.
51) I miss the openness of Oklahoma sometimes.
52) I have no desire to become a principal.
53) Grading papers used to be fun.
54) I enjoyed living in Germany.
55) I enjoy tutoring more than teaching.
56) I like it when Addi tells me I'm her superhero.
57) I like it when Levi gives random hugs.
58) I'm glad I was born into a punctual family.
59) I'm glad I married into a punctual family.

60) I don't mind being alone.
61) I love Kim's cooking.
62) Kim spoils me rotten by fixing my plate for me.
63) I love my mom's cooking.
64) I love my mother in law's cooking.
65) My wife is beautiful and still puts butterflies in my stomach.
66) I don't care for Harry Potter that much.
67) I played trumpet in the band.
68) I hope to give my trumpet to one of my children one day.
69) My sisters are outstanding mothers. So is my sister in law Katie.
70) I have four great brother in laws. Mandi and Katie are great sister in laws too.
71) I'm not always right.
72) I hate Suzuki Man commercials. (Birmingham thing).
73) I don't have any cavities.
74) I was baptized over 21 years ago.
75) I wonder when all the other young couples at church will start having children?
76) I worked at Burger King when I was in High School.
77) I worked at Chick Fillet the first summer we were married. I don't miss it.
78) It's hard for me to tell others about Christ like I should.
79) I enjoy teaching fourth grade over third.
80) I hope to save money to get an XBOX 360 some day.
81) I am a morning person.
82) When I was a kid, I wet the bed.
83) I have absolutely no sense of direction.
84) I don't remember things very well.
85) I repeat things a lot.
86) I repeat things a lot.
87) I like to give sermons at church.
88) I look forward to school starting each year. It's almost like Christmas.
89) I love it when Addi has pig tails.
90) I laugh when Levi says "Dance Daddy!"
91) I wish Levi didn't squeal so much.
92) I like reading from the ESV Bible.
93) I don't get them often, but I hate getting migraines.
94) One day I hope to be as generous as my parents, in laws, and grandparents are.
95) I like to grill.
96) I've tasted wine church in Germany for the fruit of the vine.
97) I didn't like it.
98) I found a 5 leaf clover once.
99) 90% of my wardrobe comes from my mom or mother in law.
100) I don't know why there is a space between 59 and 60.


  1. I'm impressed. Thanks for all the sweet ones about me. I'm surprised by the fact that you didn't include the fact that you got pooped on by a cow one time and your mom stopped to take a picture before she cleaned you up!

  2. LOL I really think you should have put what Kim said on there Thats Funny!!!!!!

  3. AnonymousJuly 12, 2007

    I enjoyed reading your's and kim's list! I can vouch for #83, ha, I remember getting lost with you in Lawton.

  4. I love these lists! Don't tell Hannah you don't like the Suzuki man. Those commercials make her stop dead in her tracks and she will break her neck trying to watch them. I am worried about her! :0) By the way, I am not sure if the Kelsey gene is recessive or not but I know the Courington genes seem to be the dominant ones around here! Not fair. I will keep my fingers crossed for you.

  5. Paul I enjoyed your list...but I enjoyed Kim's extra info even more! lol I HAVE to see that picture!!! lol Can we get a copy put in the lads to leaders lil handbooks this the trivia section??? lol OOO & I am definitely gonna take you up on helping me with my blog. Mary's is too cute!

  6. For whatever it's worth, I totally see you (or your eyes) in Addi. But perhaps it's because I don't know what the Couringtons look like. :)

  7. Hey Paul what is up. I thought you might mention me on your top 100 list, because I am the BIG blogger these days. just kidding.

  8. I share your feelings about #72. I often find myself waking up at night to Suzuki Man Infomercials! The worst part is, I watch!

  9. I really enjoyed reading #28!
