Saturday, June 09, 2007

Power Point Lesson

Today while I waited from 9-3:00 for the air conditioner guy to come, I decided to review my sermon that I'm giving tomorrow at church. It's the same one I gave a couple of weeks ago to a sister congregation. This time, I decided to use Power Point with my lesson. I've sat through a basic computers on how to use it and I think a teacher workshop once before, but this is actually the first time I put something together. I think I've done a good job. You can see the file here.

It's hot in my house right now! Hopefully, things will cool down once the fan motor is replaced.


  1. AnonymousJune 09, 2007

    Good job on the powerpoint! Did you get the air fixed?

  2. AnonymousJune 11, 2007

    good lesson

    charles shepherd
