Sunday, June 10, 2007

Air Tent Fun

I can remember growing up and making forts or haunted houses with my sisters. We'd also put on puppet shows using their bunk bed. The most fun I think we had was making "air tents." All you need is a fan and a sheet.

Last night when we returned home, I had one of our fans still blowing to circulate some air. (Yes, our AC is now working). Anyway, Addi thought it was neat to feel the air blowing. I quickly got a sheet and showed her how to make an "air tent." Check it out in the pictures below as they played this afternoon.


  1. Looks like they had a lot of fun! We used to make them in the car when we were on long trips from PA to AL. Of course we did not use fans!

  2. That is so fun! We used chairs to hold our tents up when I was young and then moved nearly all of our toys inside to play. Don't you just love sharing traditionswith your children?!

  3. That looks really fun... Hailey and I might have to try that soon :)

  4. Good for people to know.
