Friday, May 04, 2007

It's Official

I've been declared to be one of the top ten Dads in the world. Granna says on her blog:

"Paul is part of our family, and I count him as my own. He has to be in the top ten of Dads in the world. He is such a hard worker and a good provider. He is shaping lives at school and at church. I am thrilled that in this whole wide world, Kim found Paul. I don’t know how God works in everything, but I do feel he had his hand in Kim and Paul’s meeting and marrying."

I'm indeed honored. Of course, I need to write about the blessing of my parents-in-laws. They are very generous and loving and I fit right in as a member of the family. Susan always has a listening ear and I always look forward to her taco night for supper. David,my father in law, is a great example of a husband. He is also a sound gospel preacher and a hard working elder for the church. He also has a good sense of humor and has played some great practical jokes on me.

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