Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Field Trip

Today the fourth grade went on a field trip to Montgomery. This was the first time I've been and I had a great time. I get kind of irritated when people outside the south think that Alabama is full of rednecks and hillibilies. There is a lot to see and learn down here.

I enjoyed going to the Rosa Parks Museum, the State Capital, and the Governor's Mansion. I also enjoyed seeing Old Alabama Town. There were old houses, stores, a church, and an old schoolhouse. There was an actor portraying the actual schoolmaster of the school. My students were quite surprised how things have changed. I wonder if using a "dunce cap" would help my behavior problems? Better not go there.
It was also neat riding the bus around town and hearing facts about Montgomery.

Just a few days left of the school year! My last day is May 30.

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