Tuesday, May 22, 2007


My ninth year of teaching is almost under my belt. It is hard to believe! This week, I only have a handful of students show, so I use the time to get my grades done. I also clean, organize, and complete permanent records. These are pretty big tasks.

Since the summer break is nearly here, I already plans ready for those eight weeks. Kim and I are planning on moving some furniture around to make way for baby #3. We also plan to pull up carpet since we have wood floors. We have some other home maintenance things to do as well.

Camp will be here too. I'm sure we'll have a great week again. I'm in charge of the Bible class materials and lining up speakers for our devotionals. I'll also be on Levi duty.

A lot of my time this summer will be my private tutoring. This is excellent side income. I've done this for five summers now. I already have about 5 students lined up.


  1. AnonymousMay 23, 2007

    Wow! Nine years sounds like a lot compared to my husband's first. :)

    I'm curious about the tutoring. That might be something Dan would be interested in. How do you get into that? Is it flexible? What do you enjoy so much about it?

    You can just email me (llleichner@yahoo.com) if it would be easier, but I'll be checking back if you want to respond here. Thanks!

  2. Hope you have a good summer!

  3. I do my tutoring at our town's public library. To spread the word, I distribute flyers to all our students at school and even advertise on our school sign. I charge $25 per hour. It's very flexible and my parents love it. I enjoy it a lot because it's one on one time and very little behavior problems occur!

  4. AnonymousMay 23, 2007

    Cool! I'm going to talk to him about that.
