Monday, April 02, 2007

Week of Misery

Is it really only Monday night? It's been quite eventful at the Kelsey household lately. I took Kim to the ER Sunday morning. She came home today after getting plenty of fluids and monitoring her potassium level, but still isn't doing that great. Please keep her in your prayers.

I've been playing Mr. Mom the past couple of days. Kim's mom (best mother in law a man could have) stayed at the hospital with her. Today after visiting Kim, we went to Wal-Mart to get some essentials and that was an experience. Addi was heartbroken that we weren't going to look at the toys. Levi wanted down. I was not prepared to chase him all over the store, nor did I want to check out the latest toys (especially since Addi has plenty at home). Anyway, today's adventures made me appreicate Kim more.

Addi had a game tonight and she hit the ball twice and even made a double! I think the ball rolled under someone's legs and she ran on to second base. She later scored. Also, she stopped the ball in the outfield too! Her team won, so she was happy. Thanks Jared and Emily for playing with Levi so I could enjoy the game!

This week at school is tesing week and another teacher administered mine. I hope my students did their best. The thing that worries me is that these kids are so overtested now. I hope they didn't just shrug this off. We want to make AYP (Adequate Yearly Progress) again this year!

I think I'll hit the sack now....


  1. Well, thanks for the compliment. I think I have the best son-in-law in the world- and I have let everyone know that. You have done a great job the past few days- just hang in there!

  2. Hi Paul - Ugghh, Sorry y'all have been sick :( I hope everyone is doing better. Lori
