Sunday, April 15, 2007

Sir, you're eating it wrong!

Today, we expierenced some real Oklahoma culture. After church, Mom, Kim, the kids, and I treked to Waurika Oklahoma to the Rattlesnake Hunt. It was more of a carnival than anything, but we enjoyed it. The kids enjoyed some rides, I tasted fried rattlesnake. When I bit into it, the lady at the stand said "Sir, you're eating it wrong." I guess she was worried that I was eating bone. Anyway, Levi took a bite of it too because he thought it was "chicky chicky" (chicken). When I told him it was snake, he said "Mmm, good snake!"

Here is a photo with Grammy, PaPa, and the kids. Levi has decided to call my Dad Grampa now.


  1. It looks like you all are having a ton of fun! We miss you but know your family is very happy to have you with them this week.

    About the getting pulled over thing, I think David must have something put in their van that alerts the police when someone is breaking the law. Josh got pulled over when we were borrowing the green van for doing a U-turn with a cop right behind. I told him to do it, but he was supposed to look around to make sure it was clear! I am glad they just gave you a warning!

  2. I love the vacation updates. The picture with Grammy and Grandpa is really sweet. Reality is, I know Levi was about to jump out of Charlse's arms- am I right?

  3. Glad you guys are having fun! Enjoy yourselves!
