Thursday, April 26, 2007

Blog Lurker Roll Call

I know Blog Lurker Day is not until sometime in September and Delurker Week is in January, but I'm curious on who the lurkers of my blog are right now. Actually, "lurker" is a harsh word. How about "non-commenting visitors?" I have about 30-40 unique hits each day. I'm honored that you have stopped by and I'd like to know about you. Who are you? How did you find my blog? Where are you from? (although I can tell where people are visiting from). Do you have a blog? I look forward to hearing from you. The comment button is in the bottom right hand corner of each post.

Edit - 4/28 - Theresea (from Nurnberg days?), thanks for visiting! Faughn Family, I visit yours daily too. Emily, you aren't a lurker. :-) How about you Pensacola, Pleasant View, and Schedany?


  1. One of them would be me, your crazy friend from the Bay Area. I like hearing what's going on in y'all's neck of the woods. ;) Congrats on baby #3!

  2. I check your blog nearly every day, too.

    Thanks for the updates and the good links!

  3. Hi! My name is Emily. I live in Alabama. I check your blog everyday to see what is going on at the Kelsey residents. Enjoy your blog. It's the best one I know of. I sometimes get bored and search other people's through yours because it is mostly christians. It is interesting to see what other christians are up to in their day-to-day lives!

  4. Yup, Nuernberg days. Laura says 'hey'. :)

  5. Hey Paul,
    I check in from time to time. Friends with the Waldens and Priebes. Originally saw your link from their sites. I get a lot of hits from Alabama that say they come from your site. So, thanks, I guess. Now you need to go and de-lurk on all of our blogs.

  6. Hi Paul,
    I check your blog daily as well. I really enjoy the thought you put into your writings. I feel like I know you guys, though we have never met. Take care,

  7. Hiya. I am Jenn. Not sure exactly how I found you. Congrats on the pregnancy.
