Monday, April 09, 2007

Blog Kop, Where Art Thou?

Kim's youngest brother started a blog a few weeks ago. It was a blog about blogging. He'd point out those on his blogroll who didn't update recently. Now, he has disappeared. What has happened?

Here are my theories:

1) His blog was flagged and removed.
2) Daniel accidently deleted his blog when he meant to publish it.
3) He realized the irony of not updating his own blog......that pointed out others who didn't update.
4) Mandi told him to take it off the web.

At least he updated more than cousin Jasmine.

What's your theory?


  1. Some of your theories may or may not be true but the Blog was NEVER once out of date. That's why people didn't like it- he refused to be a hypocrite DESPITE the fact that he wasn't really blogging- just encouraging others to.

  2. Hmmmm....I wonder who anonymous could be????

  3. Yet we still don't know why it is gone. Anonymous, can you shed some light?

  4. I think the blog kop is a kop gone bad. He is hole up somewhere holding hostages at a Krispy Kreme.
