Saturday, April 07, 2007

Another Convention Behind Us

Our eighth (my tenth) Lads to Leaders convention is behind us. It's been great and we had a lot of trophy winners. That, of course, is just the icing on the cake.

Addi participated this year and led a song for Leaderettes. Kim took a short video and I got to see it. She did great and is quite proud of herself. She loved walking across the stage for the K-2 recognition.

Levi is too little to particpate, but I imagine that soon he'll be leading songs and giving speeches. For now, he was content with pushing the button for the elevator and riding the escalator with Gramps several times in a row.

Next year's theme is from 1st Timothy 11:12. "Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but rather in speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity show yourself an example to those who believe." Can't wait!


  1. Cute pictures!!!! :) I still think Levi looks a little like Andrew!

  2. I hope that Levi does not have the type of memory that Addi has- he might remember the Granna spanking in the middle of the Opryland Hotel, and being dragged by one arm up the many steps of the Presidential portico! Seriously, thanks for making the program what it is for us- you and Kim have done a great job.

  3. What a wonderful program to have your children participate in. We need more children to grow up strong and with courage to do what the Lord has asked of us. It is great that Addie is beginning so young. I know that you are proud.
