Sunday, March 25, 2007

Top Ten List

Here's a funny top ten list. Enjoy. (Found on

The Top 10 Things Not To Do At Your Child's Performance Or Sports Event

10. Try to pep up the chess match crowd by starting "the wave."
9. Do a halftime trampoline show.
8. With your buddies, spell out your child's name on your chests.
7. Mimic the conductor.
6. Start a paper airplane contest with the program.
5. Clip your toenails.
4. Wear a multi-colored wig and hold up a large, confusing sign.
3. In the middle of the violin piece, say loudly to the person next to you, "That reminds me-I need to take our cat to the vet."
2. Wear your wife's old cheerleading outfit.

1. Two words: cow bell.


  1. I was looking forward to seeing you do some of these things last night at Addi'd ballgame. Did you chicken out :)

  2. My mom always brought a cow bell to mine & my sister's field hockey games! I usually got embarrassed, but it showed how proud she was of me.
