Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Ladybugs Slaughter Pink Panthers Because Addi Scores Run

Okay, that title is a little sensationalized. But, her team did win 9-8. Plus, she scored! This was her softball team's second game. They lost last night 14-5, but Addi did get a hit. Tonight she got two and one of them resulted in a point. Since her team did win 9-8, I think we can say that without her run, her team might not have won! Above is a picture of her in the dugout with some of her teammates. I'll try to get some pictures of her in uniform on here later. (Oh, did I tell you that Kim is dugout Mom?)

In other news, my portfolio is no longer with me. Kim shipped it for me today. I'm confident I did well, but I won't know my score until November or December. Before then, I'll have to take a 3 hour assessment to complete the whole process.

Edit - It made it! Woo hoo!

1 comment:

  1. I have never seen a little girl so delighted to be a part of a team- and she is doing great for a 4 year old. The highlight of the evening was her yelling from right filed- "Mommy, can I have some cheese sticks?" We all had a laugh over that. I was so proud of her hit, and that she scored. The old little league mom came out in me all again.
