Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Too Much TV

There are two must see shows that I have now. Jericho used to be my top show. It's #2 now. Anyway, new episodes started last week and it's off to a good start. They mystery of the bombings is slowly being revealed and the characters are developing more. The United States has been divided into six areas and government leaders are fighting over power. Interesting. I'm enjoying this bleak show. Since it comes on during church, a VCR comes in handy. (No, we haven't made it into the world of DVR).
Back at Thanksgiving, my parents were watching the 2nd season of Lost on DVD. Kim and I both got hooked and caught up to the current season. Lost is full of mystery too and I like how more clues are being given in current episodes. The only bad thing now is that when we watch the show on TV after church, we have to sit through commericals!

Oh, I'm not watching American Idol this year. There is no one associated B'ham, so why bother? I think it's getting old.

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