Friday, January 12, 2007

Student Teacher

On Tuesday, I get my first student teacher. I'm a little excited, but nervous too. It makes me evaluate myself more to make sure I'm doing things right. Today I spent some of the afternoon straightening the room and trying to make myself appear organized. I even updated a bulletin board.

I had an oustanding student teaching experience. I had third graders at Oakdale Elementary and 1st Graders at Tinker Elementary back in Oklahoma. I worked with the best teachers and received a lot of valuable experience. I also had a great supervising teacher at OC: Dr. Lois Exendine.

I've actually been asked twice before by my principal if I wanted a student teacher. This was the first time I felt I was ready.

1 comment:

  1. Hope it goes well!!! Your students are lucky to have you as a teacher!
