Sunday, January 14, 2007


Addi's latest word lately is "but." She tries really hard to convince us that she is right and we are wrong. Sometimes, I have to reminder her that I have a Master's degree and that she's just a four year old.

Here are some of her latest arguments:

1) At Jared and Emily's last night, she was rocking in a seat that could tip over. I warned her not to do it again, she did so I got up to spank her. She said "But it was the chair's fault, it was the chair's fault!"

2) Today at Church, Addi insisted on going back with Kim to the nursery with Levi. I told her that she was four and needed to sit in the auditorium. She responded with "But Mommy is my best friend!"

3) Today also at Church, she wouldn't share a snack with Levi. I told her that it was important that she share with her brother. She said "But Levi is not my friend, just my brother!"

However, Addi can say the sweatest things. My favorite is when she hollers "Hey Daddy! I love you." Can't beat that.

1 comment:

  1. It's cute, but it doesn't get any better as they get older. Just ask my 9 year old....She always has a reason why she is right! lol
