Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Discipline Isn't Working

According to this article, discipline isn't working 31% of parents say their methods aren't effective. Does that mean that 69% do believe they use effective discipline? Anyway, maybe the article should headline "Inconsistent Discipline Isn't Working" or "Silly Survey Has No Merit." Maybe if more than 9% of those surveyed used spanking, the results would be better.

Parenting isn't easy. I've found it hard to be consistent. Sometimes, it's hard to keep a straight face especially when your child is covering his/her bottom with a hand!

1 comment:

  1. I am not a parent, but a teacher, and if you are not consistent, they will continue trying you because once or twice it worked and they got their way. It is difficult at times to be consistent because kids are so cute and funny, but it is for their own good.
