Friday, January 05, 2007

Diet Time Yet Again

Phillipians 3:19 - "Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things." (ESV)

I've decided to get back on a diet, again. My last diet went well until I gained it back. Anyway, I've been motivated again. Some teachers at work are organizing a "Biggest Loser" competition. We each put $25 in an envelope and whoever loses the most percentage of weight keeps all of them. I'm giving it a try considering I lost 20% of my weight four years ago. I did well today, even when my principal brought Krispy Kreme donuts for breakfast for all the teachers.


  1. What is the total amount of $ you could win?

  2. Good Luck on your diet! I think you will do great. I have seen you pass up good food while I was eating like it was my last meal :0)

  3. I thought about doing the Biggest Loser thing, I just don't think I will win and I will be sad to lose $25. I could buy a pair of fat pants with that! Ha! Ha!

  4. Is this gambling?

  5. Anonymous,

    I've thought about that, but I don't believe it is. Gambling relies on chance and luck. (Such as betting, lottery tickets, raffles). You aren't doing anything to earn it except give up your money and hope for the best. When skill is involved, you aren't relying on chance but your effort.
