Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Birthday Hangover

Well, I better clarify that title first. Kim and I are sick. Kim is worse than I am, I think I just have a head cold. Anyway, we hope to be back on our feet soon.

I had a great birthday yesterday. We had supper over at my in laws (my favorite meal I might add). We ended up watching up American Idol that night. It did a good job showing the Birmingham auditions. I haven't been watching much this year, but did notice that one contestant is straight from Pleasant Grove! I guess we might have someone to root for this year too.

In other news, we might have some icy weather tomorrow. I've been impressed. The news folks here have been cautious. No word yet if my system will be delayed. I have a workshop to go to if Kim is feeling better, so it probably won't affect me.

Finally, in random news did you know Barboro the horse was put to sleep? The media felt compelled to inform me everytime I saw the news. I didn't know a horse was worthy of such attention.


  1. Hope you and Kim feel better soon! Happy Belated Birthday!

  2. Gte better soon! We missed you guys last night!

  3. I had not heard about Barboro. ;-)
