Tuesday, November 28, 2006


No, we didn't get lost trying to get home the other day. We made it home safe and sound and earlier than expected. The kids were wonderful.

I'm now addicted to a third show: Lost. My parents rented part of the 2nd season while we were in Oklahoma. I watched a couple of episodes, now I'm hooked. This is by far the best of my favorite shows now. I still like Jericho, but Lost simply blows it away.

My parents bought a copy of the 1st season and shared with us. It is definately an intriquing show. I see why everyone is hooked.

Of course, now I'm back in reality. I returned to work today and just completed a 14 hour work day. Who says teachers have it easy?

1 comment:

  1. Be sure to watch Lost in order, don't try to watch the current ones right now.
