Thursday, November 30, 2006

I have a four year old.

Tomorrow is Addi's fourth birthday. It's hard to believe I have a 4 year old. The night of her birth, I held her in my arms as Kim rested. I sang Addi an original song, just for her.

Addison, Addison
We love you.
Addison, Addison
Yes, we do.
You are very special.
And so precious too.
We don't know what we'd do,
without our little you.

Addison, Addison
Don't you cry.
Addison, Addison
This is why.
Your Mom and Dad, we love you.
Your Gramps and Granna too.
Your Grammy and your Papa,
Your aunts and uncles too.

Addison, Addison
Can't you see?
Addison, Addison
We're so happy!

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