Monday, May 01, 2006

Note to Illegal Immigrants

I laughed out loud today when Rick and Bubba called various Mexican restaurants today to see if they were going to be open for service. (If you know their type of humor, then you'd understand).

Anyway, I wanted to put my two cents worth regarding this issue. This is to all illegal immigrants:

1) We welcome immigrants to our country. Since you are a guest, you must become a citizen on our terms. If you have come to our county your way, then you are considered "illegal." 2) You are called illegal immigrants, not "undocumented immigrants." When you follow the correct process, you are a legal immigrant. 3) Put that Mexcian flag away and quit waving it around. If you want to live here, why are you still waving it? 4) Learn our language. Immigrants in the past never came here and said to America "Change because I live here now." It was the opposite. 5) If you really want a voice, became a citizen (on our terms) and vote.


  1. AnonymousMay 02, 2006

    Interesting thoughts, but you make it sound like anyone who wants to can become a legal citizen. (RE: #4 & #5) NOT true.

  2. AnonymousMay 02, 2006

    Paul for President!

  3. AnonymousMay 02, 2006

    I agree. Illegal immigrants act like it their right to come to our county and tell us what to do.

  4. AnonymousMay 02, 2006

    Anyone who REALLY wants to- I.E. learn the language, be persistant, act as a citizen, ultimately can gain citizenship. AND we would allow many more in legally if all of their kin wouldn't illegally and sinfully cross the border

  5. AnonymousMay 03, 2006

    It may not be easy to become a citizen but there are still laws in place that need to be followed. Anyone wanting to enter this country needs to follow the laws just like I, as a citizen, have to follow the laws. The laws were put into place so that the mess we have now would not happen.

    Don't come in our country and make demands like we owe you something. We don't owe the illegal immigrants anything except a trip back across the border telling them when they are ready to become a true legal citizen to apply & work hard like all legal immigrants have done.
