Tuesday, May 02, 2006

American Idol

I know I watch too much T.V. Anyway, who do you think will win American Idol? My favorite is Taylor Hicks from Birmingham. I hate to say this, but I don't think he'll win. Yeah, I know he is the new idol be voted for on Vote For the Worst. I think that Chris will probably be crowned the new idol.

Have you heard of Dial Idol? It's been pretty accurate. My bottom two for tomorrow: Paris and Katherine. Paris will be booted. We'll see.

Kim and I don't bother to tape the results show while we are at church. I just check here.

I enjoy listening to Simon, even if he did goof tonight about Katherine. At first he said "By far, this was your best performance." Then he had to correct himself and insert the word "not." Ryan ended the confusion with "Is that your final answer?"


  1. AnonymousMay 03, 2006

    Is has been the first season that we have really watched. I think Paris will be the next to go. I was glad when that chicken little guy (forgot his name), Ace, and Kelly were booted, I didn't like them at all! I think it will probably come down to the three guys.

  2. AnonymousMay 03, 2006

    My top three favorites are Taylor, Chris, & Katherine. When it gets down to those three I will not care who wins. I think Paris will go tonight.

  3. AnonymousMay 03, 2006

    In my expert (A.K.A.- I spend too much time on the idol boards and watching replays) opinion. Katherine and Taylor are head and shoulders above the rest. I least like Chris of the rest. I began liking him, then he seemed to become arrogant when he performs. His look while performing is irritating. The people at Vote for the Worst chose Taylor- not because HE was the worst but because he was what was the worst for American Idol. They don't know how to market him and most everyone knows that. He is a unique fella. I think that it will be a Taylor/Elliot finale- while I would perfer Taylor/KAtherine. Elliot has gained some unbelievable support over the last few weeks.
