Thursday, November 20, 2008

NBCT Tomorrow?

I got an email today that tomorrow I get my NBCT scores. I'm confident, yet know that if I don't certify I'll still have next year. After all, this is considered a three-year process. Some do make it "early" though. We shall see.

Tune in tomorrow around 10 a.m. (the email said mid-morning) for my results. I may get Kim to leave a message here to let me loyal readers know if I made it.

Why is this a big deal, you may ask? Well, first I get a huge raise. Alabama pays more for this than most states. Plus, I get a nice prize of money spend in my classroom. Finally, it's proof that I'm an accomplished teacher. It's the highest accomplished a teacher can achieve, I believe.


  1. are tops in my book! We are keeping our fingers crossed for good news- we need a celebration, for certain. One thing I do know, you are a good boy, Paul Kelsey, and a great teacher, with or without National Board Certification.

  2. Can't wait to hear tomorrow!

  3. Good Luck, I will be awaiting the results!
