Saturday, September 13, 2008

And where is the outrage?

This is not a political blog, but sometimes I have to share news regarding the messiah, I mean Obama.

There's a new ad by the Obama team that criticizes McCain for not knowing how to send an email. Truth is, he can't due to his beatings while a POW. Now my point is this: if a Republican had been this insensitive, we'd never hear the end of it on the news.

Then there's Biden. How about this story? He is praising some other Democrat at a rally in Missouri and then asks him to stand up to be recognized. However, this guy is in a wheelchair. Way to stick your foot in your mouth, Joe!

And where is the outrage by the media?


  1. I heard that clip of Biden yesterday on the radio. Idiot. That would of been all over the national news if any republican would of said that.

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  5. I sincerely apologize. Please delete it, as I do not want to cause more drama. It was wrong to leave it here.

  6. The whole point of this post was to show the gaffes of Obama and Biden. We don't hear about them because the media doesn't show them. They're on the Obama/Biden side.

    I will delete your comment per your request.

    What is your blog?
